As a mystery shopper, you likely are aware that there are some online mystery shopping communities that are open to you. These online communities offer mystery shoppers like you quite a few benefits, and yet many mystery shoppers simply do not take full advantage of what they can offer. Mystery shoppers are, after all, busy people, and yet with the incredible benefits that they can provide to you, you do not want to pass up on what visiting the forums regularly can do for you. Here are the top three benefits that forums can provide to you:
Tips and Advice. You may think many mystery shoppers hold their cards close to their chest. This is a competitive work environment, and so to some degree it does make sense not to share your own advice and on the job experiences with other mystery shoppers. Yet the fact is that largely there are more than enough jobs to go around, and many of your peers and colleagues are indeed offering some fabulous tips and advice to their fellow mystery shoppers. You can learn quite a bit from reading these forums, but you do need to visit them regularly as older posts filled with great advice are constantly being shifted down as new tips are posted.
Who to Work For. This is truly one of the biggest questions that new and seasoned mystery shoppers alike have. There are dozens of providers that you can choose to work with. Providers often work with a certain list of clients, and they also have developed a reputation with mystery shoppers over the years. You don’t want to randomly pick which providers to work for, as you may end up signing up to work with those who are unethical, who pay slowly, or who otherwise are known for being rude and unprofessional to their contracted mystery shoppers. The forums are filled with information providers, and it’s there available to you by simply hopping online and reading through the various comments others have posted.
Specific Help. The fact is that you can learn a lot about mystery shopping by simply reading through the posts others have left online. However, there are times as a mystery shopper when you run into issues of your own and you need some help. In the mystery shopping world, you clearly can contact your providers for assistance when need be, but in other cases contacting your providers isn’t feasible or beneficial. When you need answers to your own specific questions and help with your own unique problems, you will want to hop online to visit the forums and place a post of your own. Hundreds of mystery shoppers will see your post within a short period of time, and they can provide you with the assistance you need.
As you can see, there are some great reasons to not just visit the online forums here and there, but instead to visit them regularly. Just as you visit the providers’ job boards regularly, you will want to make a regular habit out of visiting the online mystery shopping forums, too!