The turn of a new year is a time to reflect on the past year, giving thought to what has gone well and making goals to improve the areas that need improvement. As a mystery shopper, you likely are making mystery shopping New Year’s resolutions in addition to those for your personal life. You can give your mystery shopping a kick start for the New Year by taking the steps to make your resolutions become a reality.
Common Resolutions. If you are like most mystery shoppers, you likely share a list of common mystery shopping resolutions for the new year. Among the most common are a desire to earn more money, to be more detail- oriented, and to drop dud providers in exchange for devoting some time to build new and better relationships with other providers. In addition, some of your personal resolutions may relate to mystery shopping, such as spending more time with family, making more money, and others. These are just a few of the many resolutions that mystery shoppers may have for the new year, for both their personal and business lives as a mystery shopper.
Develop A Strategy. Regardless of what your goals for the new year are, you can make them a reality by setting a clear plan of action that will make a difference in the coming year. After you figure out what it is that you want to happen in the coming year to make the future a little brighter for you, figure out what steps you need to take that will make that happen. Then begin step one today! The longer you wait to take action on your plan, the less likely it is that the coming year will be any different than your past year.
For instance, if you have a desire to make more money as a mystery shopper, set aside some time today to look for more assignments. Commit yourself to completing so many assignments in a day or a week by applying for those assignments today. Then continue on this same path throughout the year. When you take the time to establish a routine, such as applying for more assignments, you get the ball rolling on your routine. This makes it easier for you to stick with your new resolution as the year progresses.
Avoid Procrastinating. On the flip side, when you procrastinate on setting the wheels in motion for meeting your goals for the new year, you set yourself up for failure. Procrastination is a vicious cycle that often leads to never doing something rather than doing that something later. If your goal is important to you and your job as a mystery shopper, you owe it to yourself to start making a change today.
The new year is a wonderful time to look back at the past and make changes to give yourself a better future. Take the time and make the effort today to give yourself the push you need to make your New Year’s resolutions a reality!