After you have completed even a handful of mystery shopping assignments, you likely have developed the understanding that mystery shopping can cost your money just as it can make you money. There are a number of hidden costs associated with mystery shopping that many new mystery shoppers fail to take into account, such as the travel costs and the non-reimbursed portion of a required purchase. After you take these costs…
Make More Money By Being an Efficient Mystery Shopper
As the saying goes, time is money. In today’s economy, many of us are working two jobs, trying to make as much extra money as we can. We may be saving for a rainy day, paying off credit card, or simply trying to make ends meet. Regardless of our motivation, we all want to make more money! One of the benefits of mystery shopping is that you can make more…
Tips For Making More Money in a Slowing Economy
Most mystery shoppers have been affected in some way by the economic slowdown and credit crisis. Perhaps you’ve lost a large chunk of your retirement, been laid off, or lost your house. Some extra cash from mystery shopping would be wonderful right now, and for the likely difficult months ahead. There are a number of things you can do to earn more fast cash as a mystery shopper: Look Again!…
Easy Ways To Improve Your Mystery Shopping Skills in 2009
If you are like most people, you are probably thinking about ways you can improve yourself in the new year. As a mystery shopper, you’ve likely had your share of issues and challenges with mystery shopping over the last year. So making some changes and improvements to your mystery shopping skills is likely high on your list of things to accomplish in the new year. Here are just a few…
How To Avoid Losing Money With Mystery Shopping
Mystery shopping isn’t always a money-making job. After all, when you combine travel expenses and required purchases with the low pay of some mystery shop assignments, it’s often hard to break even, much less come out ahead. There are some proactive measures you can take to ensure you make money as a mystery shopper, rather than lose money. Check The Required Purchase. Many assignments require you to make a minimum…
Do You Have What It Takes To Be A Great Mystery Shopper?
If you are new to mystery shopping, or if you are an established mystery shopping trying to get your hands on some of the elusive higher paying assignments, you may be wondering if you have what it takes to really succeed at mystery shopping. There are a couple of key characteristics the truly great mystery shoppers have in common. If you see that you are lacking in any of these…
Increase Your Income with Self-Assign Shops
There are two ways to get assignments as a mystery shopper. You can click on a “self-assign” job and instantly know the job is yours, or you can “request a job” and wait for a scheduler to assign the job to you. While many of the (often) higher paying and more complicated assignments have to be scheduled through the scheduler, there are some definite pros to seeking out and selecting…
3 Money-Making Reasons Mystery Shoppers Need A Paypal Account
Many mystery shopping providers are more than happy to send you a check for the payment of your services. And you may be happy driving to the bank and depositing them into your account. However, there are numerous reasons why you should put some serious thought into setting up a PayPal account to receive payments for your mystery shopping services. And in fact, there are a growing number of providers…
Make More Money In Less Time: 3 Mystery Shops That Pay More
Any mystery shopper who has completed more than a couple of assignments has probably thought the pay on one of their assignments was not worth the time and effort. Watching the clock (even down to the second in some cases) or checking every display in the store can be tedious to say the least. Mystery shops that require you to drive back to return an item are essentially like completing…
Top Money-Making Tips for Mystery Shopping This Fall
Who doesn’t want to see a bigger paycheck for the time and effort you put into mystery shopping? After all, after considering the travel time, time conducting the mystery shop, and your time to complete the report, some assignments pay below the hourly minimum wage. The good news is there are some steps you can take to get the paycheck you are looking for this fall! Get What You Deserve!…