3 Things You Can Do To Make (And Keep) More Money As A Mystery Shopper

From the full-time mystery shopper to the mystery shopper who picks up a few occasional assignments each month, every one wants to find ways to make more money. The reality of the gloomy economy has long since hit, and mystery shoppers everywhere and thankful to have mystery shopping as a source of their main income or additional income they can rely on. But if you are looking for ways to…

Make More Money By Working On Good Assignments

Every mystery shopping has found themselves at one time or another in the midst of completing an assignment that they know is a dud. Perhaps you’ve figured out along the way that you are losing money on the assignment with a high cost on a required purchase item. Or perhaps your scheduler is hassling you about your responses on the report and you are fearing you may not receive payment…

Determining If An Assignment Is Paying A Reasonable Fee

Mystery shoppers always want to know if they are getting paid adequately for their time and efforts. With each assignment varying in the time commitment involved, the efforts required at the job site, and the complexity of the report, it is not always easy to determine if an assignment is paying a reasonable fee. There are some easy steps you can make to help take the guesswork out of this…

Making The Most Of Your Travel Time On Mystery Shopping Assignments

For many mystery shoppers, travel time to and from job assignments is downtime. If the required travel time on an assignment is fifteen minutes, twenty minutes or longer, some mystery shoppers simply pass up the assignment altogether. As a mystery shopper, you can make your miles count in a number of ways that can save you both time and money.  So before you pass over that next assignment that’s just…

How To Take Your Mystery Shopping Business To The Next Level

Many mystery shoppers get into the business with the dream of making big bucks. Once mystery shoppers have completed a few mystery shopping assignments, it soon becomes apparent that that dream of a big paycheck will be much harder to earn than they had originally thought. If you want to take your mystery shopping business to the next level and see more results from your efforts, here’s what you  need…

How To Get The Assignments You Want

When you first signed up as a mystery shopper, you had a vision in your head of what mystery shopping would be like. That vision probably had nothing to do with sitting in a fitting room of a clothing store pretending to try on clothes that you could care less about. Instead, you may have had big plans for mystery shopping at your favorite restaurant. Or maybe even bigger plans…

Make More Money With Audit Assignments

Mystery shoppers are always looking for ways to make more money. Some choose to pick up more assignments, and others hand-pick the higher-paying assignments whenever possible. The other side of mystery shopping is the ability to get new experiences, making this a great job without the doldrums many other types of jobs have. While many mystery shoppers enjoy trying a variety of assignments, they often shy away from audit assignments….

How To Maximize Your Profits With Mystery Shopping

Every mystery shopper wants to find a way to make more money mystery shopping. Perhaps you’re looking for more assignments to complete, or you need more time to complete more assignments. You may be searching for assignments that have been on the job boards for awhile so you can request bonus pay from your scheduler. These are all great ways to make more money as a mystery shopper, but you…

How To Make More Money At Mystery Shopping This Spring

Mystery shoppers everywhere are searching for ways to make more money this spring. With the global economy in an upheaval, even those mystery shoppers who just dabbled in the business in the past are looking at mystery shopping as a way to supplement income and boost savings. You can make some additional cash as a mystery shopper with just a few easy steps: It’s Not About Numbers. Some mystery shoppers…

How To Make Decent Money At Mystery Shopping

Almost every mystery shopper starts in the business with grand ideas about all of the things they will do when the money from their new job starts rolling in. Then, as you wait four, six, or even eight weeks or longer for a measly $10 check to arrive in the mail, reality sets in. You start calculating how much time and effort it will take to earn even $100 in…