Many mystery shoppers do not put much thought into the providers who they work for, and this unfortunately can affect your paycheck in a big way. When many mystery shoppers are starting out in the business, they will select a few providers at random to sign up to work with. This random selection may work out in your favor, but it also could backfire on you. Here are some things…
How to Maximize Your Mystery Shopping Income
While many economists believe we are in the midst of bouncing back from the deep recession that has been plaguing us for the past few years, many mystery shoppers are still feeling the financial pinch of recessionary woes. With only a limited amount of time in the day to work on mystery shopping assignments, most mystery shoppers will want to do what they can to maximize their income from mystery…
Is Your Local Area Over-Saturated with Other Mystery Shoppers?
Chances are, you will not be getting a formal announcement from your providers about the high number of mystery shoppers in your area, but you will absolutely see the signs. You will notice over time that fewer and fewer assignments seem to be available on the job boards, and this is because they will be snatched up before you even see them. You may notice that it is tougher to…
Fill Your Work Schedule Fast with Self-Assign Shops
Almost every mystery shopping assignment you work on will have some timing component involved. Some assignments will simply ask for you to take note of the time you entered the site location, and then also indicate the time you left the site location. Other assignments, however, have far more complicated timing requirements. They may ask you to keep track of how long you were in the site location before you…
How to Get Higher Paying Mystery Shopping Assignments
If you have been to the mystery shopping online forums in recent months, you may have noticed that there are a handful of mystery shoppers who have somehow managed to turn this job into a full-time career. They largely will be the first to admit that they aren’t earning what most people would term “big bucks,” and yet they earn enough money to earn the equivalent of a modest full-time…
How Many Mystery Shopping Assignments Is Too Many?
If you know other mystery shoppers personally or even if you have visited the mystery shopping forums online, you no doubt have heard others talk about completing an astronomical number of assignments in a given day or week. You may struggle to do half as many as they do in the same amount of time. It can really be mind boggling to try to think about doing so many assignments,…
How Mystery Shoppers Can Get Paid Faster
Get to mystery shoppers together in a room – or in a virtual room online, and they most certainly will gripe about how hard it is to get some providers to pay them in an timely manner. (And sometimes even to get them to pay at all!) Sometimes the griping on this topic even turns competitive as mystery shoppers try to out-do each other with the worst payment horror story…
How New Mystery Shoppers Can Start Making Money Fast
Making the decision to embark on a lucrative career as a mystery shopper can be scary and exciting at the same time. One of the things you may be most nervous about is finding a way to get money rolling in the door fast. There are so many warnings about possible scams and identity theft, and some things that you read may even say that mystery shopping as a whole…
Are Those Low-Dollar Mystery Shopping Assignments Really So Bad?
When you get two or more mystery shoppers together, whether in person or online, the topic inevitably will turn to the low pay of the assignments in general. Mystery shoppers just love to gripe about the poor pay they get for their efforts. With assignments that can often take over an hour to complete with travel, site visit, and report time included, and with some of these assignments paying $10…
How to Make More Money Mystery Shopping in February and Beyond
Who doesn’t want to make more money as a mystery shopper? Whether you dabble in mystery shopping as a side job opportunity or you have wholeheartedly put all of your time and energy into mystery shopping a full-time job, you no doubt want to figure out how to make more money this year. Here are some great strategies that you can put to use today which will have you bringing…