How To Keep Your Cover From Being Blown!

When you enter a store to complete a shop, your big objective is to shop according to the requirements provided without being discovered as a mystery shopper. Oftentimes to complete the requirements, you have to play the role of someone you are not. For instance, you may have to act like an avid soccer fan or a lover of fine wines.  For some shoppers, this is incredibly easy to do,…

Increase Your Income As A Mystery Shopper: How to Get More Money Per Assignment

One of the best things about mystery shopping is that you control your income. While the pay on most shops is not spectacular, there are always new shops coming available every day, and the more you work, the more you can earn. Of course there are hundreds of providers you can sign up to work with, so if you put enough time and effort into this job, you may be…

Hot Tips For Note-Taking: How to Easily Remember Every Detail from Your Mystery Shopping Assignment

There is often so much detailed information to remember on a mystery shop assignment. Your requirements may ask you to keep track of the employee’s name, a description of the employee, the time you entered and left the store, how long you were in the store or fitting room before someone helped you, if the displays were set up appropriately and if so, what was wrong with them… the list…

Easy Ways To Get Difficult Information On A Shop

Many times on a shop assignment you will be required to get information that may seem simple enough to get, but may end up being more difficult than you might think. For example, while some shop requirements are satisfied by getting a simple description of the employee who helps you, other shop requirements will not pay you if you fail to get the employee’s  name. Even this seems easy until…

3 Sure-Fire Ways To Make Your Scheduler Like You…So You Can Make More Money and Get Better Assignments

A mystery shop provider uses schedulers to assign shop assignments to their shoppers as well as to verify the reports a shopper files are fully and accurately completed.  So the ease of a scheduler’s job is dependent on how well their mystery shoppers perform.  Since one of the functions of a scheduler is to assign shops to you – the mystery shopper, you definitely want them to like you and…

Top Tricks for Mystery Shopping With Kids

At some point, many mystery shoppers need to do a shop with kids in tow. Whether you are a working parent who needs to do an evening shop when your children are out of school, a retired shopper who volunteered to watch the grandkids on a day you have a shop scheduled, or a stay at home mom, the time will come when you have to go into a mystery…

How To Take Your Mystery Shopping Business To The Next Level

If you’ve signed up to be a mystery shopper and have completed a couple of shops, you can probably tell there isn’t much skill or luck involved in getting the best job around – mystery shopping! Shop providers are pretty open about accepting new mystery shoppers into their ranks, provided you’ve shown a general interest in shopping and have basic skills mastered, like reading and writing. It also doesn’t take…

Get Started Mystery Shopping FAST

If you’ve never mystery shopped before, you may think you need to have the “right connections” or a lot of luck to land a great job like mystery shopping. After all, people don’t just hand out jobs that require little training and unbelievably flexible hours, where you can pick and choose which assignments you want to work on… Except they do just hand them out, and YOU can be a…

Easy Ways to Get Your Shop Approved (The First Time!)

It can be frustrating to spend so much time and effort on a mystery shop, only to have the report sent back to you for revisions. There’s a lot of time involved in doing a shop – such as preparing for the shop beforehand by reviewing requirements, and actually completing the shop and filling out the report. When you push that “Submit” button to send your report off through cyberspace,…

3 Ways to Make More Money Mystery Shopping This Summer

With the doom and gloom in the news headlines becoming a shocking reality for most folks, who doesn’t need some extra cash these days? With everything from the cost of gas to the cost of corn and milk increasing, extra money from mystery shopping can be a lifesaver for many tight household budgets. Here are some tips to help you make more money mystery shopping this summer: Try Something New!…