Top Ways To Overcome House And Apartment Mystery Shop Issues

Mystery shops for apartment complexes and model homes have their own unique challenges. Often you are asked very specific questions by your salesperson up-front as they try to determine if you are a qualified customer for them to spend their time with. On your end, you likely will be required to ask for a specific salesperson to complete your shop on, which inevitably looks suspicious unless you have a good…

Top Money-Making Tips for Mystery Shopping This Fall

Who doesn’t want to see a bigger paycheck for the time and effort you put into mystery shopping? After all, after considering the travel time, time conducting the mystery shop, and your time to complete the report, some assignments pay below the hourly minimum wage. The good news is there are some steps you can take to get the paycheck you are looking for this fall! Get What You Deserve!…

What to do when a scheduler asks you to change your report.

If you have completed even a handful of mystery shopping assignments, you’ve likely had a scheduler ask you to correct or revise your report in some fashion. Oftentimes, the scheduler’s requests are to clarify what you have written in your report if it is confusing or appears to be contradictory. Or the scheduler may have a pretty good idea for what the company is looking for in terms of specific…

Easy Ways to Find Mystery Shop Assignments in Your Area

A common question asked by both new and experienced mystery shoppers alike is how to find shops in their own little part of the world. With mystery shoppers’ travel costs going up as the cost of gas rises, many mystery shoppers want to remain fairly close to home when doing mystery shop assignments. Rural mystery shoppers often have difficulty locating shops in their own small town or nearby towns. Likewise,…

Tips For Rural Mystery Shoppers: How to Keep Your Mystery Shopping a Secret!

Mystery shoppers living in areas with relatively low populations and far from major metro areas may seem like they are at a disadvantage as compared to urban mystery shoppers. Their income potential may seem to be less, and they may be more likely to be identified as a mystery shopper if they know most of the people in their small community. The good news is there are steps a rural…

Earn More Money Shopping With Your Spouse

The concept is simple – if your spouse mystery shops, your household will make more money from mystery shopping. While it is possible for your household to actually make more than double what you are currently making when both spouses mystery shop, there are some other factors to consider as well.   More Than Double Your Jobs. You as a shopper qualify for a certain type and amount of shops. Let’s…

Eat Your Way To More Money With A Restaurant Shop

Mystery shopping provides you with a fun way to make money doing what you love – whether that’s watching movies, shopping, or the great American past-time of eating out! While many shoppers are more than thrilled to make money shopping at retail stores, others may be delighted to know they can earn extra cash while they eat at their favorite restaurants. But before you set off to do a restaurant…

How To Create Great Cover Stories So You’ll Never Get Caught!

The thought of being revealed as a mystery shopper brings fear into the hearts of shoppers everywhere. One of the biggest tip-offs you can give a salesperson or store associate that you are a shopper is giving off suspicious clues during your conversation with them. Here are a few tips to follow to help you avoid being spotted as a mystery shopper:  If The Shoe Fits. The story you tell…

Top Reasons You Should Boycott $5 Shops

There is a growing movement to boycott $5 shops. After all, to travel to the shop site, perform the shop, travel back home, and then complete the paperwork, you are talking about an hour and a half of your time, more or less. This equates to just a couple of dollars an hour for your time and effort. Is your time with more than that? Shoppers are fed up with…

Are Car Dealership Shops Worth Your Time?

If you are like most people, spending time talking to a car salesman is not your idea of a good time. In fact, an hour at the car dealership may rank right up there with a root canal. So when you see car dealership shops pop up in your inbox, your first inclination may be to pass up on that oh-so-enticing offer to sit in a car dealership for an…