Is Your Paycheck Worth Its Weight in Gold or Silver (Certifications)?

If you ask one mystery shopper if a Gold or Silver certification will earn them more money, you may get a completely different answer than what another mystery shopper will tell you. The confusion on certifications is rampant among mystery shoppers. Here’s the lowdown on what you need to know about certifications and your paycheck. More Mystery Shop Assignments? The answer is yes and no. Some providers don’t consider certifications…

Save Time and Money Doing Your Holiday Shopping With Mystery Shopping Assignments

The holidays are a great time for mystery shoppers! What other job can you get paid to work and do your holiday shopping at the same time? You can make the most of mystery shopping this holiday season by following a few simple tips: Making A List And Checking It Twice! If Santa does it, so should you! Before you accept any more assignments this holiday season, make a list…

Do You Have What It Takes To Be A Great Mystery Shopper?

If you are new to mystery shopping, or if you are an established mystery shopping trying to get your hands on some of the elusive higher paying assignments, you may be wondering if you have what it takes to really succeed at mystery shopping. There are a couple of key characteristics the truly great mystery shoppers have in common. If you see that you are lacking in any of these…

Balancing Mystery Shopping With Your Busy Holiday Schedule

The holidays can be a crazy and hectic time for many people. After all, you have the combination of long family visits, bad winter weather, the busiest shopping season of the year, and horrible travel conditions and delays all combined into about five “festive” weeks. And that’s not even counting putting up the holiday lights, searching for the perfect Christmas tree, holiday parties, and school Christmas pageants. It’s no wonder…

Save Money On Your Thanksgiving Dinner With a Grocery Store Shop

Thanksgiving dinner can be an expensive time for families. And with the holidays coming up right behind the big turkey day feast, you are likely already pinching pennies to save up for gifts for your loved ones. Regardless of if you are hosting the full dinner or just volunteered to bake the pies for a dinner at someone else’s house, you likely will be buying at least a few extra…

Increase Your Income with Self-Assign Shops

There are two ways to get assignments as a mystery shopper. You can click on a “self-assign” job and instantly know the job is yours, or you can “request a job” and wait for a scheduler to assign the job to you. While many of the (often) higher paying and more complicated assignments have to be scheduled through the scheduler, there are some definite pros to seeking out and selecting…

Earn More Money Right Away With Mystery Shopping

With the economy in a slump, and seeming to slump further by the week, many families are falling on hard financial times. A few extra dollars here and there would really make a difference. It may be that you need a supplemental income because your current job is no longer providing the income level you need or want, or you need to find a way supplement your retirement income or…

Are Grocery Store Assignments Worth Your Time?

The condensed answer to this question is yes and no. In many cases, a grocery store assignment will consist of you visiting every department in the store, and possibly restrooms and restaurants if they have them. A grocery store assignment can take some serious time to complete, and in many cases the pay can be fairly minimal for the time and effort involved. To make a grocery store assignment worth…

3 Ways You Can Improve Your Report-Writing

Writing your mystery shopping reports is perhaps one of the most critical aspects of your job as a mystery shopper. You may have the keenest and most unbiased eye when you are on-site, but if you don’t have the ability to translate your observations into a well-written report, your skills are going to waste. There are a few things you can do to improve your report-writing skills. Only The Facts!…

How To Find Your Mystery Shopping Groove

Many new mystery shoppers will take right to the job. To them, mystery shopping may immediately be an easy way to generate some much-needed extra money. For other new shoppers, however, their first experience or two with mystery shopping may be extremely frustrating. The process of finding an assignment, completing the assignment, and waiting weeks for the money to arrive may seem like a supreme waste of time. Before you…