How Mystery Shopping Can Help Your Ailing Retirement Fund

If you have a 401K, IRA, or any money invested in the stock market, you’ve likely watched it lose a large chunk of its value in recent months. If you are close to retirement or are currently retired, that decrease in your retirement account balance can be detrimental to your future security. The good news is that, as a mystery shopper, you have a convenient and relatively easy way to…

How To Avoid a Conflict With Your Scheduler

If you’ve done one mystery shopping assignment or hundreds, you likely have figured out that you want to avoid conflict with your scheduler. It’s definitely a big hassle to get in a tiff of any kind with a scheduler. But if your disagreement is over a report you just turned in, it could mean a loss of pay on that assignment. If your argument is severe enough, it could mean…

Easy Ways To Improve Your Mystery Shopping Skills in 2009

If you are like most people, you are probably thinking about ways you can improve yourself in the new year. As a mystery shopper, you’ve likely had your share of issues and challenges with mystery shopping over the last year. So making some changes and improvements to your mystery shopping skills is likely high on your list of things to accomplish in the new year. Here are just a few…

Technology Tips for Mystery Shoppers

Technology is available to make every aspect of life easier, from cooking, cleaning, and paying bills to working and mystery shopping. Not only does technology make your tasks easier, but it also helps to save you time and energy. As a mystery shopper, there are a number of gadgets available that can make your life as a mystery shopper easier and make your efforts more efficient. It’s About Time! Almost…

New Years Resolutions for Mystery Shoppers

With a new year just around the corner, you may be thinking about ways to improve yourself in the coming year. As a mystery shopper, there are a number of resolutions you can make to your mystery shopping business that will make mystery shopping more enjoyable and profitable for you in the coming year. Get Organized! With the new year comes the chance to start you organizational system with a…

How To Avoid Losing Money With Mystery Shopping

Mystery shopping isn’t always a money-making job. After all, when you combine travel expenses and required purchases with the low pay of some mystery shop assignments, it’s often hard to break even, much less come out ahead. There are some proactive measures you can take to ensure you make money as a mystery shopper, rather than lose money. Check The Required Purchase. Many assignments require you to make a minimum…

What To Do With Your Mystery Shopping Assignment Paperwork

Most mystery shoppers print out their mystery shop assignment’s guidelines and report questionnaire to make completion of an assignment easier. Printing out the guidelines and questionnaire allows you to read the fine print more carefully, as well as to take the info with you and review before you walk into the assignment location. After you complete your assignment, however, you may be tempted to toss your papers in the recycle…

Steps To Take To Avoid Getting Paid Late

One of the biggest complaints mystery shoppers have is slow payment by mystery shopping providers. While some providers may pay you as quickly as one week if you accept PayPal payments or use direct deposit, other providers may take months to pay you regardless of the payment method. While some companies pay within a fairly reasonable period of time, some providers will not pay without repeated follow up calls. There…

Make More Money Finding Mystery Shopping Assignments on Forums

Tough economic times are upon us. If you listen to the news reports, we’re all in store for even tougher times in the coming months and possibly years. If you haven’t felt the impact of the economic climate yourself, you likely have friends or family that are getting squeezed financially. As a mystery shopper, you have the ability to control your income to a degree by taking on new assignments….

How Store Closings Will Impact Your Mystery Shopping Paycheck

Everyone from the news media to friends and neighbors are talking about the economy these days. With the biggest shopping season of the year just around the corner, the news of the many retailers and restaurants who are closing their doors are on the tips of tongues everywhere. In fact, many of your favorite stores and restaurants may have announced plans to close their doors in the coming months, if…