Treat Your Valentine Right On A Shoestring Budget with Mystery Shopping

If you are an observant shopper (and I bet you are since you’re a mystery shopper!), you’ve probably noticed that Valentine’s Day decorations and products quickly replaced Christmas items at the turn of the New Year. Whether you’ve been married for decades or are casually dating, you no doubt have to make some kind of plans or gift purchase for the holiday. Yet with the economic woes facing us today,…

Why Mystery Shopping Forums Need You (And Why You Need Them!)

Mystery shopping is a fairly straightforward job most of the time. The assignment requirements are clear and concise, and you set yourself into action to complete the requirements. Yet there are times when questions or problems arise. In a normal office environment, you would have co-workers to talk to and get feedback from. You would have a whole support system behind you to bounce ideas off of and make sure…

What New Mystery Shoppers Need To Know To Make More Money As A Mystery Shopper

Mystery shopping is a wonderful and exciting job, far different than your typical run-of-the-mill part-time jobs where you sit behind a desk or counter and watch the clock ticking, waiting for your shift to be over. There is some excitement, but there is real work involved. And as with most jobs, there are things you can do that will make or break your paycheck. Who’s The Boss? In reality, mystery…

Spring Cleaning Tips For Mystery Shoppers

Depending what part of the country you live in, you may still be gripped by harsh winter weather or you may already be thinking about planting your spring garden. Regardless of the weather outside, now is a great time for spring cleaning inside! If you were too busy with the hustle and bustle of the holidays to prepare for the new year, seize the moment to clear the clutter and…

Save Your Personal Budget With Mystery Shopping!

With the economy dipping into what many economists are saying will now be a deeper and longer recession than previously thought, many mystery shoppers are looking for ways to help their personal budgets. If you haven’t already been hit by hard times, you likely know of someone who has. And  you want to hunker down and make as much money as you can right now. If you have been affected…

How To Know If It’s A Scam (And What To Do If It IS A Scam!)

One of the biggest concerns of mystery shoppers is falling victim to a scam. There are a number of unique and creative scams out there waiting for you to stumble on them in your search for more jobs and money. On occasion, a scam may even find you and contact you directly. Scams are becoming more creative in an attempt to disguise themselves and take more of your hard-earned money….

How Far Should You Drive To Complete An Assignment?

Whether you are a rural mystery shopper or  you do  your mystery shopping in one of the larger metropolitan areas in the country, you are likely tempted to tackle an assignment or two that may be a bit outside the area you normally mystery shop in. Yet you’ve struggled with the idea that those shops are too far away to be worth your time. This begs the question – how…

Easy Ways to Improve Your Report Writing Skills

Whether you’re looking for an easy way to improve your mystery shopper rating with your providers or simply want to avoid the headache of a series of back and forth questions and answers with your provider after you submit your report, you likely want to take some time to improve your report writing skills. What Does That Say? There’s no doubt that spell check can catch a lot of typos….

Make More Money By Being an Efficient Mystery Shopper

As the saying goes, time is money. In today’s economy, many of us are working two jobs, trying to make as much extra money as we can. We may be saving for a rainy day, paying off credit card, or simply trying to make ends meet. Regardless of our motivation, we all want to make more money! One of the benefits of mystery shopping is that you can make more…

Tips For Making More Money in a Slowing Economy

Most mystery shoppers have been affected in some way by the economic slowdown and credit crisis. Perhaps you’ve lost a large chunk of your retirement, been laid off, or lost your house. Some extra cash from mystery shopping would be wonderful right now, and for the likely difficult months ahead. There are a number of things you can do to earn more fast cash as a mystery shopper: Look Again!…