Help Out the Mystery Shopping Community By Participating in Forums

When you’re just starting out as a mystery shopper, the mystery shopping world can seem confusing, mysterious, and even solitary. Each assignment you complete seems far different than the previous assignments you’ve done. You run into issues with schedulers, questions on reports, and even issues on site that could have been handled far differently for a better outcome. Yet as a new mystery shopper, you have a steep learning curve…

Make Quick Cash With A Cell Phone Assignment

Mystery shoppers are always on the lookout for assignments that are relatively easy to do, and assignments at cellular phone retail stores are just that! These assignments are fairly cut and dry, resulting in a typically hassle-free paycheck. But, as with any assignment, there are some things keep in mind: Who’s Your Provider? Many cell phone retail store assignments require that you either specifically have service with that provider already…

The Truth About Pizza “Phone Assignments”

There has been a lot of talk lately in the mystery shopping world about boycotting the assignments under $5. Pizza phone assignments quite simply require you to call up a pizza restaurant and inquire about specials. In other cases, you may be required to actually place an order and then call back and cancel it. The bottom line about these assignments is they are not worth the time and effort…

What You Need To Know About Bank Assignments

Mystery shopping assignments at banks can be exciting and lucrative, but they can also be a headache if you don’t know what you’re in for before you accept the challenge. If you’ve never tried mystery shopping at a bank, here’s what you need to know: Get Ready. In many cases, a bank assignment will start as soon as you receive the notification that you’ve been awarded the assignment. Many bank…

Spring Cleaning Tips For A Mystery Shopper’s Home Office

With the icy grips of winter finally melting away and warmer weather bringing spring blooms outside, the last place you want to be is stuck indoors cleaning out a musty old office. But this time of year inevitably reminds us that now is a great time to clean out the old clutter and mess and treat yourself to a fresh, clean work area. De-Clutter to De-Stress. Clutter in your workplace…

Make Quick Cash On Your Next Plane Trip With An Airport Assignment

Picking up a mystery shopping assignment at the airport is a fun way to add some excitement to your travels, as well as to pick up some extra cash. With most mid to larger sized airports offering a full range of retail stores and restaurants for travelers to enjoy as they pass through, there are a wide variety of assignments you can complete while you are traveling. But as with…

Why You Should Record Your Site Visits

More and more mystery shoppers have started taking advantage of the latest technology to secretly record audio and even video tape footage of their mystery shopping site visits. When you have the right equipment, it can be incredibly easy to get and audio or video recording of your site visit. But the question remains, is it worth your time and effort? The answer is an overwhelming YES! Let The Recording…

When A $5 Shop Is Better Than A $10 Shop

Many mystery shoppers are adamant about the minimum mystery shopping pay they will work for. For some shoppers, it may be $10, for others it may be $5. How much (or little) you are willing to work for often depends on what area of the country you are in. Your cost of living in Los Angeles may be a lot different than a mystery shopper living in Pecos, Texas. Regardless…

How To Make More Money At Mystery Shopping This Spring

Mystery shoppers everywhere are searching for ways to make more money this spring. With the global economy in an upheaval, even those mystery shoppers who just dabbled in the business in the past are looking at mystery shopping as a way to supplement income and boost savings. You can make some additional cash as a mystery shopper with just a few easy steps: It’s Not About Numbers. Some mystery shoppers…

Hot Tips To Write A Better Report (And Get Paid Faster)

Mystery shoppers often focus largely on the site visit of an assignment, putting all of their energy and efforts into what happens on-site. Yet the mystery shopping provider and the retailer who ordered the site visit in the first place only see one thing – your report. Your report conveys all of the information you gathered on your site visit to the provider and retailer. If there is a problem…