Make More Money With Audit Assignments

Mystery shoppers are always looking for ways to make more money. Some choose to pick up more assignments, and others hand-pick the higher-paying assignments whenever possible. The other side of mystery shopping is the ability to get new experiences, making this a great job without the doldrums many other types of jobs have. While many mystery shoppers enjoy trying a variety of assignments, they often shy away from audit assignments….

When To Confront Your Scheduler

Schedulers hold a lot of power over a mystery shopper’s paycheck. Schedulers can determine how many assignments you work by doling out assignments as well as by raising your lowering your shopper rating. They can reduce or eliminate your pay on an assignment you’ve already completed. They can also through great assignments your way if you fall into their good graces. With so much power residing in the hands of…

How To Maximize Your Profits With Mystery Shopping

Every mystery shopper wants to find a way to make more money mystery shopping. Perhaps you’re looking for more assignments to complete, or you need more time to complete more assignments. You may be searching for assignments that have been on the job boards for awhile so you can request bonus pay from your scheduler. These are all great ways to make more money as a mystery shopper, but you…

How To Cope With Mystery Shopping Paranoia

You can be calm, cool, and collected one minute, coasting through your site visit without a problem. But one slightly odd look from a salesperson can lead you to feel extremely nervous and anxious. Perhaps the look was a little longer than it should have been or there was a slight raise of the salesperson’s eyebrows. For whatever reason, your mystery shopper radar has been put on high alert, and…

How To Complete An Accurate and Fast Report

With mystery shopping, as with many parts of life, the adage “time is money” holds true. The more assignments you can fit into your busy schedule, the money you can make. Yet when you complete a hasty report, it can have negative consequences – often opening up time-consuming questions from your scheduler. Or worse yet, you could have holes in your report that lead the scheduler to not pay you…

How to Start Your Mystery Shopping Career

Mystery shopping is a pretty easy job to get started in. You sign up with a few providers, and then search the job boards for an assignment you want to complete. It’s really as simple as that. But as easy as it is to get started in mystery shopping, there are a lot of places where you can get in over your head if you’re not careful. Here are some…

Work Mystery Shopping Into Your Summer Vacation Plans

Whether you’ve got big plans for a beach vacation at a resort, you’re heading out with the family on a road trip across the country, or you’re just visiting family a few towns over,  you can make extra money this summer by working a few mystery shopping assignments into your vacation plans. Taking Flight. If you’re flying to your destination this summer, a whole world of opportunities open up to…

What To Do If You Receive A Negative Citation

As a mystery shopper, you will receive positive and negative citations from time to time as you complete mystery shopping assignments. Positive citations are not usually issued for simply doing your job, but rather for going above and beyond the call of duty or perhaps helping out a provider with a last-minute assignment. These are a great thing to have on  your record and can open you up for consideration…

Hot Tips To Find More Mystery Shopping Assignments in Rural Areas

Mystery shopping is a great job for shoppers in both metro areas as well as in more rural locations. If you are close to gas stations, shopping centers or malls, grocery stores, restaurants, or any other venue that serves the public, you can likely find some assignments in  your area. However, depending on how remote your location is, the amount of income you can make from mystery shopping may be…

Make Extra Money With An Airport Parking Lot Assignment

Whether you are a regular traveler hopping on planes every week or two, or you fly sporadically, you can make extra money by taking on a mystery shopping assignment at an airport parking lot. Unlike many other types of mystery shopping assignments, an airport parking lot assignment is fairly easy and straightforward. Here’s what you can expect: No Talking! (Or very little talking anyway.) With most airport parking lot mystery…