Are Providers Discriminating Against Mystery Shoppers Because Of Age?

For years, mystery shoppers have been mumbling under their breath and even voicing loud complaints about the apparent age discrimination against them by mystery shopping providers. As mystery shoppers, we’ve all seen the requirements on various available assignments for a mystery shopper to be between a certain age range. And more often than not, the age range that the assignments specifies is for younger mystery shoppers. As mystery shoppers, we…

Why You Should Visit Your On-Line Mystery Shopping Forums Today

If you haven’t been visiting your online mystery shopping forums lately, you’re missing out! Mystery shopping forums are the perfect (and often the only) location where you can network with your fellow mystery shoppers. With other types of jobs, you can “talk shop” with your co-workers at the office or at business functions, but as a mystery shopper, you very rarely, if ever, run into mystery shoppers in your day…

Why You Shouldn’t Blab About Your Job As A Mystery Shopper

When friends ask you what you do for a living, should you tell them you are a mystery shopper? There are many different aspects to consider before you jump in with a firm yes or no response. Certainly nobody wants to lie straight out to friends, but there may be several reasons to consider keeping your job as a mystery shopper a secret. Consider the Consequences. There are several outcomes…

What Does It Take To Make Mystery Shopping A Full Time Job?

For most mystery shoppers, mystery shopping is a part-time job. It may be a second job to supplement income, or a job that can be done conveniently around retirement, going to college, taking care of kids, and any number of other things. For a handful of mystery shoppers, mystery shopping is a full-time job, where full-time hours are devoted to the job every week. If you are considering making the…

Hot Tips To Get Difficult Information On Your Assignments

You can do everything on an assignment and get stymied on the job site by a piece of information that is just out of reach. Something that seemed as simple on the assignment requirements as getting a name can slow you down in a big way when you are actually walking through the assignment. There are a number of easy strategies you can put to use in your next mystery…

3 Things You Can Do To Make (And Keep) More Money As A Mystery Shopper

From the full-time mystery shopper to the mystery shopper who picks up a few occasional assignments each month, every one wants to find ways to make more money. The reality of the gloomy economy has long since hit, and mystery shoppers everywhere and thankful to have mystery shopping as a source of their main income or additional income they can rely on. But if you are looking for ways to…

Make More Money By Working On Good Assignments

Every mystery shopping has found themselves at one time or another in the midst of completing an assignment that they know is a dud. Perhaps you’ve figured out along the way that you are losing money on the assignment with a high cost on a required purchase item. Or perhaps your scheduler is hassling you about your responses on the report and you are fearing you may not receive payment…

Is It Ethical To Have Others Complete Your Mystery Shopping Assignment For You?

Most providers specifically forbid sub-contracting your work assignment to another mystery shopper in your service agreement. This includes friends, family members, and even spouses. However, some mystery shoppers have found some wiggle room in this area, whether by a gray area in the assignment requirements or simply by necessity. The Gray Area. Some assignments require that you bring along friends or family members on the assignment. This is most commonly…

How To Find Easy Mystery Shopping Assignments

Whether you are new to mystery shopping or you’ve been a mystery shopper for years, the question still remains – how do you go about finding easy mystery shopping assignments? Sure, there are plenty of difficult or time-consuming assignments around, some paying well and others that hardly pay enough to cover your gas money to the job site. Many mystery shoppers shy away from the more complex assignments, even when the…

How To Build Trust With Your Mystery Shopping Provider (And Get Paid More)

Every relationship is based on trust, and this includes a mystery shopper’s relationship with his or her providers. Trust is a two-way street, and in mystery shopping, both the provider and the mystery shopper have to trust each other to have a truly prosperous relationship. When you take the time to develop a trusting relationship with each of the providers you work with,  you will find mystery shopping to be…