How To Keep Your Shopper Rating Up

Many mystery shopping providers use a number rating system as a way to rate your services as a mystery shopper. While the rating system is not used uniformly by all mystery shopping providers, the majority of mystery shopping providers do use the number rating system. Your rating as a mystery shopper can go up or down with each assignment you complete, and is typically given on a scale of 1…

When Should You Call It Quits With A Provider

Most of the relationships we have over the course of our lives will not last the length of our lifetimes. As with some friendships, business relationships also sometimes come to an end. Sometimes the end of the relationship is a slow, gradual event, and sometimes it is tumultuous and forced. There will be times in your career as a mystery shopper when your business relationships with your providers will or…

What You Need To Know About House and Apartment Assignments

If you are looking for a change of pace from the many restaurant and retail store assignments that flood the job boards at most mystery shopping providers’ websites, shake things up a bit and try to house or apartment mystery shopping assignment. This type of assignment involves visiting a real estate or apartment community rental office and posing as a new customer. If you enjoy looking at new homes and…

How To Spot A Mystery Shopping Scam

As a mystery shopper, you can go weeks and even months without verbally speaking with someone about your assignments. You request your assignments online, you complete your assignment, and then file your report online. A check comes in the mail or funds are sent via PayPal, and the assignment cycle is complete without speaking to a single person. The very nature of mystery shopping, where you work and get paid…

Save Time By Signing Up For The “Right” Mystery Shopping Providers

Many mystery shoppers wonder if there is a magic number of providers to work for. Whether you are in this line of work to make a few extra bucks of spending cash each month or you have high hopes of turning mystery shopping into a full-time gig that pays all of your monthly expenses, the truth is that there is not a magic number. The number of providers you need…

Handling The Low Points of Mystery Shopping

Some mystery shopping assignments are better than others. There are assignments that you sail through without any problems, the reporting goes fast, and you get paid promptly. The thought crosses your mind, “If I could only have more assignments like this one….” Then there are the other assignments, which can only be termed as “bad.” If you have ever talked to another mystery shopper, these are the assignments you talk…

Top Mystery Shopping Assignments For Fall Months

As the seasons are changing this fall, the weather can be unpredictable. Fall months bring wonderfully crisp, cool air, making it a wonderful time to be outdoors on many days. The fall months can also bring very cool, and even cold, weather at times, especially in northern regions. The good news is that there are a wide variety of mystery shopping assignments that cater to all types of fall weather….

Should You Include ALL Of The Details About Your Site Visit On Your Report?

Completing the report for your site visit is one of the most important aspects of mystery shopping. The report that you complete tells the provider as well as the company ordering the mystery shopper’s site visit about the specific details of your experience. Oftentimes, mystery shoppers question exactly how much detail to include in answering the report questions. After all, you don’t want to spend all day writing your report…

When To Contact Your Scheduler

In the course of day to day events as a mystery shopper, you will have no reason to contact your scheduler for the majority of the time. With a typical day on the job as a mystery shopper, you will simply interact with a scheduler in the non-interactive method of requesting assignments and receiving the yay or nay for your request. Yet for every mystery shopper there are instances that…

Hot Tips For New Mystery Shoppers

If you are like most new mystery shoppers, you jump into the business with very little idea of what to expect. You know nobody who can show you the ropes of mystery shopping, and you don’t have anyone you can really call to get answers to your questions. If you are new to the mystery shopping scene, don’t stress! Here’s what you need to know to get a great start…