Report-Writing Tips For Mystery Shoppers

There are many things that draw people to mystery shopping. A flexible work schedule, being an independent contractor without a “boss”, and the ability to work from home are just a few of the many benefits of mystery shopping. While these factors may be at the top of mystery shoppers’ list of “pros” for the job, writing reports is often found at the top of the “cons” list. Many mystery…

Top Ways To Get Paid From A Slow-Moving Mystery Shopping Provider

Getting paid can be one of the most frustrating aspects of mystery shopping. While there are a select few mystery shopping providers who pay via PayPal or mail you a check within a few days to a week of completing an assignment, there are far more mystery shopping providers who take far longer to process your payment. Here are some top strategies for getting a slow-paying mystery shopping provider to…

Top Money-Making Tips For New Mystery Shoppers

New mystery shoppers often timidly enter this new and promising career. Even if a friend or family member suggested the job to you, you may feel a bit uneasy about committing yourself to something that seems uncertain, and where most of your interaction with your new employers is done via the internet and email. This uncertainty soon turns to excitement and motivation after you realize through your own personal experiences…

Tackling The Slow Economy Head-On: How To Make Money As A Mystery Shopper Today

With the nightmare of 2009’s financial downturn behind us, many are looking at 2010 with hope for renewed prosperity. Yet recent news shows we may not be out of the woods yet, and the economy may continue to suffer for some time. If you’ve already been relying on mystery shopping to supplement your income or you just need to make some extra money to save for a rainy day, your…

Spot A Scam Before It’s Too Late: What You Need To Know

One of the biggest nightmares a mystery shopper can face is falling victim to a scam artist’s schemes. Scam artists have been getting more cunning and deceptive in recent years, making it difficult for even the most careful mystery shoppers to tell scammers apart from legitimate mystery shopping companies and job opportunities. There are a few extra steps you can take to help protect you from scam artists. Do Some…

Organizational Tips That Will Save You Time And Money!

From tons of paperwork to a hectic work schedule, many mystery shoppers find themselves stressed out when disorganization takes over their lives. Your disorganized work life could be costing you more than a few headaches, though. It could also be costing you time and money! Here are some top tips to help you stay organized and save yourself some time, money, and headaches: Keep A Calendar. Whether you are a…

How Mystery Shoppers Can Avoid Falling Victim To Identity Theft

There are a large number of benefits associated with mystery shopping, including a flexible schedule, the ability to choose the assignments you want to work on, the option to take your family or a friend “to work” with you, and many more.  With a job with so many pros going for it, it’s not surprising to find that the job has a few drawbacks as well. While mystery shoppers may…

Why You Should Give Lower Paying Assignments A Second Look

Many mystery shoppers have fallen into the habit of writing off assignments posted on the job boards with a quick look of the assignment pay. If the payment is below a predetermined amount of money in the mystery shopper’s mind, such as $5 or $10, the mystery shopper continues to scroll down the job boards without giving that assignment a second thought. If this sounds like you, it may be…

When Editing Turns Into Re-Writing: What To Do When Your Report Is Drastically Altered

Most mystery shoppers appreciate that mystery shopping companies take the time to make small changes to their reports. It’s difficult to complete a “perfect” report without devoting a lot of time to editing and revisions yourself before you submit the report. Imagine the nightmare of going back and forth with all of your providers on small typos and subtle changes to clarify your meaning for every report that you turn in!…

Top Strategies For Increasing Your Mystery Shopping Income This Year

While many experts still have high hopes that the economy will pull itself out of its slump by the end of this year, the fact remains that many family’s pocketbooks continue to be strapped for cash. Many mystery shoppers are looking for new ways to increase their income from mystery shopping and line their wallets with a little extra dough. There are a few key ways you can make more…