Why Mystery Shopping Fraudsters Should Watch Out!

With mystery shoppers working largely out of sight of the providers who hire them, there is quite a bit of flexibility for mystery shoppers to fudge their work. While the vast majority of mystery shoppers do their best work and complete their assignments to the best of their abilities with their full effort, there are a handful of mystery shoppers who fudge reports and don’t carry out the assignment fully…

Are Phone Assignments Worth The Effort?

There are mystery shopping assignments that require you to travel to a store, restaurant, or other destination to complete your assignment requirements. There are also mystery shopping assignments that you can do from the comfort of your home over the phone. In fact, you can even do these phone assignments just about anywhere you have a cell phone signal. If you have been considering doing a phone assignment, here’s what…

Analyzing The True Value Of A Mystery Shopping Assignment

For mystery shoppers, the decision of whether to request a specific assignment or kick that assignment to the curb lies in the true value of that assignment. The true value of an assignment can vary from person to person and goes far beyond the mere face value of the “shop pay”. An assignment that one mystery shopper may find to be a complete waste of time may indeed be very…

Hot Tips To Get New Mystery Shoppers Off To A Quick Start With Mystery Shopping Assignments

New mystery shoppers often jump head-first into their new-found gig. The exciting, mysterious world of mystery shopping offers the promise of easy money and a flexible schedule, without the oversight of an overbearing boss looking over your shoulder. What’s not to fall in love with? Yet often new mystery shoppers run head-first into a brick wall as they try to get their foot in the door with this new job….

How Expert Mystery Shoppers Handle Tricky Timed Assignments

There is no question about it – timed assignments can be really difficult to do. Most assignments will ask you to take note of the time you entered and left the store. Keeping track of this basic information while you store away all of the other details of the site visit in your brain can be hard enough. But when an assignment requires you to pay extra attention to various timing…

Save Time And Money With Self-Assign Mystery Shopping Jobs

As a mystery shopper, there are essentially two different types of assignments you can get your hands on. The first type is the “request” assignment, where you click a button on the provider’s website that submits your request to do the work. Then you have to wait and wait for the scheduler to get back to you and let you know if you got the job. The other type of assignment…

Complete More Assignments In Less Time With These Simple Mystery Shopping Tips

Many mystery shoppers enter the business in large part due to the ability to control their own schedules. Mystery shoppers are able to set their own work hours, working as much or as little as they want. At first glance, your income as a mystery shopper may seem unlimited. However, there are only so many hours in the day to complete assignments, not to mention take care of all of…

Have Fun Mystery Shopping With These Top Assignments

It’s not too difficult to find yourself burnt out from mystery shopping. After all, with the relatively low pay coupled with the stress of completing assignments on time, working with difficult schedulers and providers, and all of the various issues that can arise during the site visit, it is pretty easy to lose sight of the benefits of mystery shopping. One of the top perks of mystery shopping is being…

Top Strategies For Becoming A Better Mystery Shopper (and Earning More Money!)

The rough economic times have many mystery shoppers clamoring to find more time to complete extra mystery shopping assignments. Some mystery shoppers need the extra cash additional assignments  provide just to make ends meet, while other mystery shoppers are simply looking for ways to line their pockets to save extra for a rainy day. The problem, of course, often lies in find extra time to complete extra assignments. The good…

Valuable Strategies For Selecting Top-Paying Assignments

In an effort to save time and be more efficient, many mystery shoppers rush into the decision to select or pass up on assignments. Often, mystery shoppers will look only at the face value of the compensation of an assignment and make a quick, split-second decision whether to snatch that assignment up or kick it to the curb. However, there is quite a bit more to the actual financial benefits…