Why Your Job as a Mystery Shopper Is Important to Society

Most mystery shoppers get into the business as a means to earn some extra cash in a way that is convenient for their busy schedules. Earning some money with a flexible job scheduler certainly is a major benefit, and this is a benefit that many other jobs simply cannot offer. However, there is another important benefit that many mystery shoppers don’t recognize regularly. As a mystery shopper, you are actually…

My Life as a Mystery Shopper

Note: This post is the first in a new series of guest posts titled ‘My Life as a Mystery Shopper.’  Each featuring the real world story of a mystery shopper, told in their own words. Hi. I’m Little Miss Moneybags, and I’m a mystery shopper. I was interested in mystery shopping long before I was actually able to do it. I went to boarding school in high school and I…

Signs A Mystery Shopping Assignment May Be A Scam

Many mystery shoppers will enjoy working for years in the business without running into a scam at all. Others, however, seem to spot them with every turn of the head. Mystery shoppers, unfortunately, are targeted by scam artists in large part because of the virtual nature of the business. You may never meet your providers face to face, and many mystery shoppers correspond with them only via email as needed….

Great Tips To Help New Mystery Shoppers Get Started

As a new mystery shopper, you probably have some pretty grand notions about what is involved with mystery shopping. You may imagine yourself earning money while you walk around the mall in a baseball cap and dark sunglasses trying to remain incognito. This is a great dream, but the reality of mystery shopping is that it is a real job where you are assigned duties that must be completed if…

Details That Should Be Included On Any Mystery Shopping Report

As a mystery shopper, you likely love the “fun” part of your assignments, which for most mystery shoppers is the on-site visit. Once you get back home and sit down in front of your computer, however, comes the time to really let the work begin. For most mystery shoppers, completing the report for each assignment is not a part of the job that is eagerly anticipated. In fact, some mystery…

Should You Open A Credit Card Or New Account For An Assignment?

Mystery shoppers love the chance to earn big bucks, but often the higher paying assignments require more personal involvement and a larger time commitment from you. One of the more frequently encountered assignments that pay more than your average assignment are those that require you to open a credit account or other such account. These assignments may be for a credit card company, a major retailer, a bank, or other…

How Do You Find Legitimate Mystery Shopping Jobs?

There are so many people who want to get involved in mystery shopping. Mystery shopping is a wonderful to earn cash around a busy schedule. Whether you want to pick up a few assignments each month for some extra spending cash or you want to make mystery shopping your regular job, the opportunity is there for the taking. However, while so many people want to make a go of mystery…

What Can You Learn From Online Mystery Shopping Forums?

Mystery shopping can feel like an incredibly isolated job. In other jobs, you can talk with co-workers about on-the-job challenges and grievances. You can talk to workers at competing companies about benefits and pay to see if it’s time to jump ship and switch companies. You can gain new insight into you industry, job tips, and so much more. As a mystery shopper, however, you have little means to talk…

Top 3 Signs It’s Time to Drop a Mystery Shopping Provider

Many mystery shoppers by nature are devoted to the job and will try to make their relationships with mystery shopping providers work despite less than desirable events and details that crop up over the course of the relationship. Not every relationship, however, is meant to work out. Try as you may to make the relationship work, there are times when you simply need to call it quits with one provider…

Top 5 Things to Do When You’ve Had a Bad Day Mystery Shopping

Every mystery shopper has a bad day on the job from time to time. Sometimes there are issues with the mystery shopping providers, and sometimes there are issues with the reports, with the employees or customers during the site visit, and more. Mystery shopping is unpredictable, and you just never know what is going to happen on any given assignment. When a mystery shopper has a bad day, however, you…