Do You Want to Work More in the New Year? Here’s How!

If you have taken some time to write out your New Years resolutions, you may have written down something along the lines of “make more money” or another financial-related goal. To achieve these goals for the New Year, you likely have grand plans to work more as a mystery shopper in 2011.The truth is, though, that if you want to make more money mystery shopping in 2011, you should also…

Getting Answers to Your Questions When Your Mystery Shopping Providers Don’t Respond Quickly

Most mystery shoppers have been faced with the dilemma of trying to get quick answers from their mystery shopping providers. More often than not, such questions are related to assignments and mystery shoppers feel they need fast answers to their questions if they are to complete the assignments on time and accurately. When providers are not available when we need those fast answers, however, the result is that we can…

Are You Making These Assumptions in Your Mystery Shopping Reports?

Many mystery shoppers learn very quickly in this unique business that if you want to make the most money possible, you need to cut corners where you can and get assignments done as quickly as possible. The problem, however, comes when those corners you cut end up costing you extra time down the road. One of the biggest areas where mystery shoppers cut corners to save time is in their…

Keep Your Eyes Open for the Latest Mystery Shopping Scam Artists

If you are new to mystery shopping, you are likely extra vigilant about scams, and for good reason. For years, scam artists have preyed on mystery shoppers and would-be mystery shoppers alike, trying to turn a quick buck by conning and tricking honest people who simply want to make some extra cash. In fact, the mystery shopping industry is so plagued by scams that many people who don’t work in…

How Social Networking Sites Can Help Mystery Shoppers

Social networking websites like Facebook, Twitter, and others have grown to be more than trendy buzzwords. Today these and other social networking websites are largely integrated into people’s lives. They may be used largely to socialize and keep in touch with friends and family, but many people also use such sites for professional purposes as well. Many people will network with social organizations and maintain professional relationships with co-workers, colleagues,…

Are You Working Too Much as a Mystery Shopper – and Still Not Making the Cash You Want?

If you are like most mystery shoppers, you feel overworked and underpaid. The truth is that most mystery shopping assignments don’t offer as much pay as most mystery shoppers would like. However, the other side of the coin is that some mystery shoppers may not be working in the right way to maximize their income potential. You may be able to work less and actually make more money as a…

Save Time & Money: End Of Year Tips for Mystery Shoppers

As the current year winds down, now is the perfect time for mystery shoppers to review their mystery shopping financial information for the year. The tax year ends on December 31, and once the clock strikes midnight that evening and 2010 rolls over to 2011, you will be starting fresh with another year of bookkeeping for your mystery shopping business. Nobody likes to have one year’s financial information stacking on…

How to Get Your Urgent Assignment Questions Answered Fast (So You Can Save the Day.)

In the mystery shopping world, it often seems as though you are working on your own in a little bubble. To an extent, this is absolutely true because you can complete numerous assignments without interacting with your mystery shopping providers at all, except of course for requesting the assignment and submitting the report. There are times, however, when you really need to get ahold of someone at your mystery shopping…

Why Your Scheduler Isn’t Responding To You (And What You Can Do About It)

Mystery shopping is the perfect job for those people who want to earn a paycheck without the constant oversight of a manager peering over their shoulder. You can absolutely work on your own, and as long as you do the assignments correctly and complete your reports properly, you can work on dozens of assignments without every communicating at all with a scheduler except to request assignments and submit reports. Even…

Strategies for Working Mystery Shopping Into Your Busy Holiday Schedule

From now through the beginning of the new year, most people’s calendar is booked pretty solid. While there are a handful of mystery shoppers who make mystery shopping their full-time job, most mystery shoppers use assignments as a way to pick up extra cash in their free time. During busy times, such as the current holiday season, most mystery shoppers will be tempted to put mystery shopping on hold until…