How New Mystery Shoppers Can Start Making Money Fast

Making the decision to embark on a lucrative career as a mystery shopper can be scary and exciting at the same time. One of the things you may be most nervous about is finding a way to get money rolling in the door fast. There are so many warnings about possible scams and identity theft, and some things that you read may even say that mystery shopping as a whole…

How Mystery Shoppers Can Boost Income in the Improving Economic Times

You only have to turn on the news today to hear about the current state of the economy. The stock market is up significantly from where it was twelve to eighteen months ago, the unemployment rate is down, and consumers in general are more hopeful about the economic outlook. There may still be a big proverbial “row to hoe” in order to get the economic back to where it was…

Hot Time Management Tips for Mystery Shoppers

Many mystery shoppers stumble across this job in their efforts to find a way to make money around an already busy schedule. Some started their search in an effort to find a way to make money with a second job without being tied down to a rigid work schedule. Others wanted to earn money around personal commitments such as caring for relatives, juggling a schedule with kids’ activities, going to…

What Mystery Shoppers Need to Know About Identity Theft

If you are new to mystery shopping, you may be a bit timid about jumping head first into this job because of all of the rumors and stories circulating about identity theft. Identity theft is a real threat, and it has cost millions of people money, time, and grief in recent years. This goes for mystery shoppers and non-mystery shoppers alike. As mystery shoppers, however, our work is conducted over…

What You Can Learn from Online Mystery Shopping Forums

If you have been feeling out of the loop in your job as a mystery shopper, you certainly are not alone. Mystery shopping is, by nature, a very remote and isolated job to have. You are required to conduct your assignments often undercover. While you may be able to take a friend, child, or spouse along with you on some assignments, you certainly would never do a joint assignment with…

Are Those Low-Dollar Mystery Shopping Assignments Really So Bad?

When you get two or more mystery shoppers together, whether in person or online, the topic inevitably will turn to the low pay of the assignments in general. Mystery shoppers just love to gripe about the poor pay they get for their efforts. With assignments that can often take over an hour to complete with travel, site visit, and report time included, and with some of these assignments paying $10…

Working With Your Providers: When Editing Requests Cross the Line

There are three kinds of mystery shopping providers that you can work with. The first accepts your report as the ultimate truth of your observations on-site and rarely asks for revisions. Often, they will correct a typo here and there on your behalf. The second type of provider will make some significant changes to your report, and often this can change the meaning or intent of your writing. This is…

3 Tips To Help You Get Your Mystery Shopping Paycheck Faster

After you have completed a mystery shopping assignment, there is just one thing that you want – to get paid fast! In the fast-paced world we live in today, it seems almost laughable to many mystery shoppers that it takes so long to get paid on many assignments. If you spend any time on the mystery shopping online communities, you will find that slow payment is among the top issues…

How to Make More Money Mystery Shopping in February and Beyond

Who doesn’t want to make more money as a mystery shopper? Whether you dabble in mystery shopping as a side job opportunity or you have wholeheartedly put all of your time and energy into mystery shopping a full-time job, you no doubt want to figure out how to make more money this year. Here are some great strategies that you can put to use today which will have you bringing…

“How I earned $7,000 with mystery shopping…”

This is the story of Tom S. Since starting mystery shopping a little more than year ago he has earned over $7,000, stopped living paycheck-to-paycheck, and has finally taken his family on a much deserved vacation. If you’re like me, you’ll probably find this story very inspiring. Here’s Tom, in his own words: It is hard to believe that it has only been a little more than one year since…