New Mystery Shoppers: How to Get Your First Paycheck Fast.

If you are just getting started in the wonderful world of mystery shopping, you no doubt are eager to get right to work so you can start earning money fast. If you are like many first-time mystery shoppers, you really want to get out there and the waters to see just what is involved in this job and if the work is on par with the compensation, how much fun…

Hot Report Writing Tips for Busy Mystery Shoppers

So many mystery shoppers just love their jobs… that is, until it comes time to sit down and write their reports. Few people enjoy writing, and when you are a mystery shopper writing reports for a paycheck, you can feel some intense pressure to really get the details down right and to avoid grammatical and spelling issues. You know if you don’t get the report right, it could cost you….

What Are Your Mystery Shopping Assignments Really Worth to You?

If you spend any time on the mystery shopping online forums, you know that mystery shoppers love to complain about the low pay on some assignments. It is true that some compensation is so low that it really is a slap in the face to  mystery shoppers. However, there are plenty of great assignments that do pay a fair wage. As a mystery shopper, it is up to  you to…

Strategies for Improving Your Efficiency as a Mystery Shopper

Mystery shopping may not be a widely prevalent job, and in fact some people don’t even think it is real but instead think of it as an urban myth of some kind. Yet those who have tried mystery shopping largely love it, and this is due in large part to the flexibility the job offers to earn money around your other commitments and responsibilities. Some people use mystery shopping as…

Add Some Zest to Your Mystery Shopping With These Exciting Assignments

Mystery shoppers are largely a group a really busy people. The ability to set your own hours and control your schedule attracts busy people looking to make some extra money around their other commitments in life. While it’s great that you can earn extra cash on the side from picking up various assignments, when you do this, you inevitably make yourself even busier than you already are. The result is…

3 Things You Can Do to Take Your Mystery Shopping to the Next Level

If you feel like you have fallen into a deep, mundane rut with your mystery shopping assignments, you are not alone. It seems kind of ironic that a job that so many people say is exciting and engaging when starting out turns into a job that many say is rather dull after a few months or years on the job. The fact is that while each of your assignments may…

3 Ways You Can Improve Your Mystery Shopping Skills Now

There are some mystery shoppers who want to do just the bare minimum in their assignments to get by. They don’t want to skimp on providing quality details and completing the assignment requirements, but they don’t want to make an effort to become a better mystery shopper either. There are other mystery shoppers, though, who really do want to take their job as a mystery shopper to the next level….

How to Get Higher Paying Mystery Shopping Assignments

If you have been to the mystery shopping online forums in recent months, you may have noticed that there are a handful of mystery shoppers who have somehow managed to turn this job into a full-time career. They largely will be the first to admit that they aren’t earning what most people would term “big bucks,” and yet they earn enough money to earn the equivalent of a modest full-time…

Why You Need to Improve Your Relationship with Your Schedulers – And How to Do It!

So many mystery shoppers gripe and complain about how much trouble they have with their schedulers and providers. For some mystery shoppers, this truly is just lip service. For others, however, there are some considerable and very real problems going on in that business relationship. As a mystery shopper, you have a few options to consider. You absolutely have the option to call that relationship quits at any given time….

Before the Site Visit: Three “Must Do’s” for Every Mystery Shopper

Many mystery shoppers really struggle to find their footing in this industry. For some, it is a real struggle to try to figure out exactly what the providers are asking you to do for the assignments. When the assignments aren’t done correctly, as you likely know first hand, a whole slew of negative consequences can happen. For one, it can be pretty difficult to answer the report questions accurately. Plus,…