Is Your Local Area Over-Saturated with Other Mystery Shoppers?

Chances are, you will not be getting a formal announcement from your providers about the high number of mystery shoppers in your area, but you will absolutely see the signs. You will notice over time that fewer and fewer assignments seem to be available on the job boards, and this is because they will be snatched up before you even see them. You may notice that it is tougher to…

Romantic Mystery Shopping Ideas: Make Your Summer Sizzle with These Hot Assignments

Mystery shopping during the hot summer months can really be a drag. After all, you have to get in and out of your hot car numerous times a day, spend time traveling in the heat of the day, and more. While you may be thinking about ways to cool off this summer, these warm months are a great time to really heat things up with some romantic mystery shopping assignments….

Strategies for Picking Restaurant Assignments You Will Love

Mystery shoppers love to get out in the world and interact with other people while earning extra cash shopping, dining out, and more. While mystery shoppers generally agree that they have great jobs, many disagree on just how great mystery shopping assignments at restaurants are. Some people love them, and others refuse to ever do another restaurant assignment again. As with many things in life, there are some things you…

What Mystery Shoppers Need to Know About Fraud

For many mystery shoppers, writing up the report at the end of a site visit is a real hassle. Yet it is one of the most important aspects of the job because it tells the providers and their clients about your observations during the site visit. This is the information they are paying you for, and so the accuracy of the report is absolutely critical. Now, it is easy for…

An Introduction to Video Mystery Shopping

Video mystery shopping is a highly misunderstood and scary prospect for many mystery shoppers. The technical equipment and the covert use of such equipment to capture a customer service or sales interaction may seem like an overwhelming challenge, but I am here to ease your fears and help you understand just how fun and easy it can be! There is a growing market for this specialized type of mystery shopper….

It’s That Time of Year Again: Spring Cleaning Tips for Mystery Shoppers

Many mystery shoppers will use the transition over New Years Day to really clean house, so to speak, with their paperwork, financial information, and more related to their mystery shopping job. They will clear out the clutter from the prior year’s assignments and file, shred, and sort as necessary to start the year with a clean slate. Yet as the year progresses, even the most organized of mystery shoppers will…

Strategies for Making Phone Assignments Work For You

With gas prices continuing to rise, and in some parts of the country exceeding $4 per gallon, many mystery shoppers are trying to find ways to cut back on travel costs. For many, this means finding assignments that are located closer to home, and it also means picking up an extra gas station assignment or two so you can get at least a little bit of free gas (or at…

How Mystery Shoppers Can Avoid Pain at the Pump

Mystery shoppers have been watching gas prices creep back upward for months with much dismay. The higher gas prices climb, the more money mystery shoppers have to pay to travel to do assignment site visits. With gas prices up almost $1.00 per gallon in many locations in just the last few months, if not more, many mystery shoppers are really starting to feel some pain at the pump each time…

Fill Your Work Schedule Fast with Self-Assign Shops

Almost every mystery shopping assignment you work on will have some timing component involved. Some assignments will simply ask for you to take note of the time you entered the site location, and then also indicate the time you left the site location. Other assignments, however, have far more complicated timing requirements. They may ask you to keep track of how long you were in the site location before you…

Trouble with Timed Shops? Hot Tips to Help!

Almost every mystery shopping assignment you work on will have some timing component involved. Some assignments will simply ask for you to take note of the time you entered the site location, and then also indicate the time you left the site location. Other assignments, however, have far more complicated timing requirements. They may ask you to keep track of how long you were in the site location before you…