Are You Ready to Be a Professional Mystery Shopper?

Every mystery shopper who first starts out in the job initially has their own unique goals that they want to meet with this job. For some people, they simply want to earn some extra spending cash on the side, and this includes everyone from retirees to college students to stay at home parents, too. Other people, however, have big dreams of turning this fun and exciting job into a full-time…

Are Audit Assignments Right For You?

Mystery shoppers are generally an adventurous sort. After all, it takes a lot of spirit and confidence to walk into a new and unfamiliar location to observe store staff, cleanliness, and more in a secretive way. There is always that air of excitement and possibly even slight apprehension at the possibility of getting caught by the staff and having your identity uncovered. Yet however adventurous mystery shoppers may be as…

Contacting Your Scheduler: What Every Mystery Shopper Needs to Know

It’s pretty common for mystery shoppers to feel isolated in their positions. After all, when you are a mystery shopper you can go months and months without talking to another mystery shopper (except for communications on online forums and in mystery shopping chat rooms). In fact, if you are like most people, the only people you may regularly communicate with about your job and specific assignments are your schedulers. Yet…

Hot Tips for Faster, Easier Mystery Shopping Report Writing

Most mystery shoppers will agree that mystery shopping is a pretty great job. We get paid to go into stores, restaurants, and more, enjoy reimbursements on purchases, and get our opinions on service, cleanliness, and more heard by higher-ups in the company who value what we have to say. Yet as great as mystery shopping is, there is one aspect of mystery shopping that many people struggle with. That aspect…

Quick and Easy Mystery Shopping Organization Strategies

Having a plan of attack or a strategy of some sort is so important for many things in life, and it is also important to mystery shopping, too. With many things, having a strategy for how you plan to do things can save you money, save you time, or sometimes both. When you have the right organizational strategies in place as a mystery shopper, you will find that you really…

Online Forums: Why Every Mystery Shopper Needs to Visit Them Regularly

We live in a very digital world today, and that is good news for mystery shoppers! Sure, you need access to some high speed technology to sign up for assignments, submit your reports, and so forth. You may use some high tech gear on your site visits, too, such as digital cameras, video cameras, audio recording devices, and more. Some mystery shoppers take notes incognito on their handheld devices and…

Mystery Shopping with Young Kids: Tips for Success

Mystery shopping is a great job for moms and dads! It offers parents the ability to earn some much-needed cash without the need to hire a babysitter or arrange for childcare of some sort. It sure can be a hassle to find someone to watch your kids while you work, not to mention rather costly if you have to pay for childcare! Thankfully, with mystery shopping, you have the ability…

The Fast Route to a Mystery Shopping Paycheck: Tips for New Mystery Shoppers

When you first start most jobs, you get some kind of on-the-job training, or perhaps an introductory seminar about the company. Someone may show you around the office and explain what it is you are supposed to be doing at your job. With mystery shopping, however, you really are on your own, and it will be up to you to learn the ropes, take the initiative, and fully ease your…

How to Mystery Shop On Your Vacation

Most people take a vacation to get away from the stresses and cares of day-to-day life, and so working on a vacation just doesn’t sound like fun at all. Yet most people also don’t have an exciting job like mystery shopping. Mystery shopping on your vacation is a great way to keep earning those paychecks while you are traveling. Plus, you can find assignments just about anywhere and everywhere you…

How to Maximize Your Mystery Shopping Income

While many economists believe we are in the midst of bouncing back from the deep recession that has been plaguing us for the past few years, many mystery shoppers are still feeling the financial pinch of recessionary woes. With only a limited amount of time in the day to work on mystery shopping assignments, most mystery shoppers will want to do what they can to maximize their income from mystery…