How New Mystery Shoppers Can Take the Stress Out of Those First Few Assignments

If you are just getting started in your job as a mystery shopper, the idea of job is likely absolutely thrilling. The thought of earning a paycheck walking through stores, sitting in restaurants, and more while secretly spying on the employees, checking on the cleanliness of the location, and more can really sound exciting compared to your past jobs. The fact is that this really is a great way to…

What to Do When A Mystery Shopping Provider Won’t Pay You

There are a handful of mystery shoppers who are working in this field to help create a better consumer experience for others, but for the most part, mystery shoppers are working in this job to enjoy the convenience of a flexible work schedule and extra money in our pockets, too. But what happens when you have done the work on an assignment and your provider won’t pay you? Here are…

Are You Cut Out to Be A Mystery Shopper?

If you are just starting to look into mystery shopping, you no doubt have taken the time to learn about all of the benefits of this rather unique job. Mystery shopping offers people the ability to control their own schedule, pick and choose which assignments they want to take on, enjoy a wide variety of work experiences, and so much more. Because of this, it is an ideal job for…

Why You Need to Take Notes About Mystery Shopping Providers

It’s hard to get a group of mystery shoppers in a room together, but if you visit online forums, you can often catch some interesting and often very useful chatter. When mystery shoppers get together, even in a virtual environment like a forum, the topics of conversation inevitably focus on their recent assignments and their providers. Some have wonderful things to say about their time on the job, and others…

Mid-Year Tax Tips for Mystery Shoppers

As a mystery shopper, you are not a traditional employee of a company, but instead you are a self-employed independent contractor. One of the biggest difference between working in a salary or hourly position and being on your own as an independent contractor is how your taxes are handled. When you get paid through a salary or hourly position, a portion of each paycheck is usually withheld and goes toward…

How Mystery Shopping Can Make Back to School Shopping More Affordable

The last few weeks or so of summer are some of the most expensive weeks of the year for families with school-age children, and if you have school-age children, you completely understand just why. In preparation for the new school year that is about to begin, there are so many things that need to be bought from schools supplies to new shoes, backpacks, and fall outfits, too. Then there are…

The Provider Search: Finding The Best Providers to Work For

As a mystery shopper, who you work for makes all the difference in the world in terms of your own job satisfaction and your earning potential in your job, too. When you are a mystery shopper, you are essentially a subcontractor who works on an independent basis with various different providers. These providers act as a liaison between you and the client, which may be a chain of retail stores,…

How Mystery Shoppers can Stay Organized Through the Busy Summer Months

The summer months are a busy time for mystery shoppers. The job boards are usually loaded with assignments that are just waiting for you to snatch them up. Plus, some mystery shoppers take a break for part or all of the summer to travel, spend time with family, and more, which gives those mystery shoppers who do want to work throughout the summer months plenty of opportunities to do so….

Are You Missing Out on Money by Working With the Wrong Mystery Shopping Providers?

Many mystery shoppers do not put much thought into the providers who they work for, and this unfortunately can affect your paycheck in a big way. When many mystery shoppers are starting out in the business, they will select a few providers at random to sign up to work with. This random selection may work out in your favor, but it also could backfire on you. Here are some things…

Tricks of the Trade: What Every Mystery Shopper Needs to Know About Concealing Your Identity

Performing the site visit for a mystery shopping are often the most exciting aspect of the job for most mystery shoppers. It’s pretty hard not to feel a little jolt of electric excitement as you set foot inside your site visit location and begin fulfilling your assignment requirements. There is the thrill of doing something undercover that really keeps many mystery shoppers hooked into the job for a long term…