The Details You Must Include in Your Mystery Shopping Reports.

When you are first getting started as a mystery shopper, the job can seem pretty cut and dry. You perform your site visit, and then you head home to complete your report online. You may think initially that the report is the easiest aspect of the job because you simply have to write the black-and-white responses to the questions based on what you experienced at the site visit. However, some…

Top 3 Benefits of Visiting Mystery Shopping Online Forums

As a mystery shopper, you likely are aware that there are some online mystery shopping communities that are open to you. These online communities offer mystery shoppers like you quite a few benefits, and yet many mystery shoppers simply do not take full advantage of what they can offer. Mystery shoppers are, after all, busy people, and yet with the incredible benefits that they can provide to you, you do…

Bad Mystery Shopping Providers: When to Call It Quits

Some mystery shoppers think that finding new mystery shoppers is a pain. Others may think that their options of mystery shopping providers to work with is limited. Either way, many mystery shoppers today are working with providers who are less than ethical or who otherwise are undesirable to work with because they are rude or difficult to deal with, don’t pay their mystery shoppers quickly, or other such issues. Sometimes…

How Mystery Shoppers Can Let Off Workday Steam

Most mystery shoppers will be able to sail through dozens of assignments without so much as a hiccup. You sign up for assignments on the job boards, head into assignment site visit locations discreetly and are gone before any of the location employees catch on to why you are really there. You head home and submit your report, and then wait for your pay to come in. Of course, while…

Top Mystery Shopping Assignments to Look For This Fall

The fall months are a favorite time of year for so many people. The fall leaves take in a variety of gorgeous hues, and the cool, crisp air fills everyone with a sense of relaxed energy. As a mystery shopper, you are lucky enough to work in a job where you can really get out and enjoy the gorgeous fall backgrounds and great weather, and you do not have to…

Are You the “Perfect” Mystery Shopper?

If you are new to mystery shopping, you may be wondering just what the “perfect” mystery shopper looks like. Some people think that there is an image that mystery shopping providers are looking for in their mystery shoppers, and others think that a mystery shopper should have some ideal set of qualities or traits to be good at the job. You may be wondering how you stack up and if…

Which Mystery Shopping Assignments Are Costing You Money

With some jobs, you can sit at a desk all day long and really get paid the same amount regardless of how productive you are during the day. As a mystery shopper, the amount of money you earn, and more importantly your net income from each assignment, can vary due to a number of different factors. The truth of the matter is that some assignments can be highly lucrative and…

When Your Secret Job As a Mystery Shopper Isn’t a Secret: Why You Shouldn’t Blab

One of the things that many mystery shoppers just love about mystery shopping is that they get to earn a living “under cover.” The job involves walking into various different types of establishments and secretly fulfilling missions like interacting with employees, trying on clothes, checkout out the cleanliness of the facility, tasting various types of food, and more, all without letting the employees or other customers know that you have…

Finding Quick and Easy Mystery Shopping Assignments: Strategies to Employ Today

As with most things in life, as a mystery shopper you can choose to earn your paychecks the quick and easy way with good assignments or you can beat your head against the wall with difficult assignments. While you most certainly would prefer to take the first route over the second any day, the difficult or course lies in picking out those easy assignments. This is, after all, one of…

Are You Picking Bad Mystery Shopping Assignments?

If you know other mystery shoppers personally and talk to them about their experiences on the job, or if you visit the mystery shopping online forums to hear what others are experiencing in the field, you may hear some pretty mixed results. Some mystery shoppers absolutely love their job and couldn’t be more pleased with how exciting and unique it is while others are ready to throw in the towel…