How to Make This New Year Your Most Profitable Year Ever As a Mystery Shopper

Many people take the time as one year transitions into a new one to reflect on the past 12 months and to look forward to the future. Often this is a time when people make changes in an effort to improve themselves so that the new year can be even better than the past. While many people make this effort with regards to their personal lives by making resolutions to…

Can Mystery Shopping Be a Full-Time Job?

For so many people, there is just a very brief period of time between the moment you realize mystery shopping really is a legitimate, paying job and the point when you begin to wonder what your life would be like if you could fully support yourself financially through mystery shopping. You may have daydreams about turning in your two weeks notice to your over-bearing employer, spending leisurely days sipping coffee…

Social Networks and Mystery Shopping: What You Need to Know

At one time, social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter, to name just a few, were for the younger crowd. They have grown in popularity over the years, and now millions of people of all ages and backgrounds around the globe use these sites to stay connected, to network, and more. As a mystery shopper, you may be wondering just how such sites can help you out with your job….

Top 3 “No-No’s” for Your Mystery Shopping Reports

Some mystery shoppers just seem to breeze right through their assignments, completing site visits and reports with absolute ease. Others, however, do seem to get caught up in a variety of problems with a significant number of assignments they complete. If you fall into that latter group of mystery shoppers, you no doubt are completely frustrated with the mystery shopping process. There are, however, a few things that you can…

Are You Working for the Best Mystery Shopping Providers?

As a mystery shopper, you likely spend a lot of time and effort picking and choosing the best assignments to complete. After all, some assignments are far easier to complete than others, and some pay much more than others do. While you do want to spend some time choosing the best assignments to work on, you also want to take a closer look at your own mystery shopping providers to…

Mystery Shopping and the Holidays: Tips for Success

The holiday season is such a very busy time of the year, and it’s expensive to boot. Some mystery shoppers feel torn between giving up on earning income from mystery shopping assignments because of the intense time commitments of holiday events like corporate holiday parties, school seasonal functions, shopping for gifts, and so much more. Of course, many mystery shoppers also feel the need to pick up additional assignments to…

How to Be a More Profitable Mystery Shopper

As mystery shoppers, we work pretty hard for our money. Many of us work on multiple assignments each day, and some of us work seven days a week. Whether you are a part-time mystery shopper squeezing assignments around your primary job and personal obligations or a full-time mystery shopper, you want to find a way to really make the most out of the job. So just how can you be…

Closing Out Your Mystery Shopping Year: What You Need to Do This Month

The end of the year is always a busy time of year for folks everywhere. This is a time of year that is often marked by holiday festivities, traveling to spend time with family and friends, and more. Mystery shoppers will want to add just one more thing to their plate this busy time of year, and that is to take time to close out your mystery shopping year the…

When Your Provider Doesn’t Respond To You

As a mystery shopper, you can weeks and even many months at times without ever needing to contact your provider. Yet there are times that arise when you need to reach out to them and get a response back about something specific. This may be an urgent question that you have about an assignment with a pending due date. It may be about your pay (or lack thereof) on an…

How to Avoid Last Minute Mystery Shopping Surprises

Mystery shopping is one of those jobs that seems like it will be an easy-breezy way to earn a few extra bucks, or even to earn the equivalent of a full-time income. While many assignments can indeed be completed without a hitch, inevitably there are those assignments that seem to throw you for a loop with a hiccup or snag that you just didn’t see coming. The fact is, though,…