On the Road Again: How Mystery Shoppers Can Maximize Time on the Road

Mystery shoppers sure do spend a lot of time on the road. This time is not entirely wasted, though. After all, mystery shoppers are able to deduct business miles traveled as a business-related expense on their personal tax returns. However, even a decent tax deduction doesn’t make up for the hours and hours a week most mystery shoppers spend driving between their house and various assignments. This is time when…

The Difference Between an Amateur and Professional Mystery Shopper: Which One Are You?

Many mystery shoppers start in this business without much more than a general idea of what mystery shopping is and the goal in mind of earning extra money with their new job. Some mystery shoppers grow frustrated with their job, and they may feel as though they don’t have much guidance or support. Sometimes they feel as though the income potential is limited, and they would like to earn more…

Are Audit Assignments a Waste of Your Time?

If you have never tried out an audit assignment but are thinking about giving it a try, you are not alone. There are so many different types of assignments available through most mystery shopping providers. Many mystery shoppers start working on a few types of assignments they like, such as those at restaurants or retail stores, and they never deviate much from those assignments. However, whether out of boredom from…

Hot Tips to Boost Your Mystery Shopping Profits This Summer

If you have been trying desperately to boost your mystery shopping paychecks with no success, you are not alone. It may seem like the compensation of assignments never really increases, and there are only so many hours available in the day to complete assignments. So with this in mind, it may seem impossible to increase your paychecks without cutting into your sleep time or reducing the amount of time you…

Beating the Summer Heat With Cool Mystery Shopping Assignments

The heat of the summer can really slow you down as a mystery shopper. In many types of jobs, people work indoors in an air conditioned office, store or other similar type of environment As a mystery shopper, however, you are constantly on the go. You may be getting in and out of your car, walking across sweltering asphalt parking lots and more at least several times per day. It…

Why Mystery Shopping is the Best Part-Time Job

If you have been looking for the perfect part-time job, you are not alone. Many people have the desire to earn a little extra money on the side, but many part-time job opportunities are simply not desirable for one reason or another. Those who have taken time to learn more about mystery shopping often make the determination that this is the best part-time job. So what is so great about…

Is Your Mystery Shopping Provider Ignoring You?

As a mystery shopper, you may enjoy the ability to work independently and without the constant supervision of a boss or manager. You can select the assignments you want to work on around your schedule and based on your work preferences. You can even choose which providers you want to work with. This independence is desirable and preferred on most days. However, there are times when you will need to…

How Personal Organization Can Affect Your Mystery Shopping Paycheck

If you are looking for a few easy ways to increase your mystery shopping paycheck, you are not alone. Some people may work harder and really spin their wheels in an attempt to earn more money mystery shopping, but this may not be necessary at all. The fact is that your level of personal organization may be preventing you from bringing home a bigger paycheck. So how does your level…

Take the Stress Out of Mystery Shopping With Kids

Mystery shopping is a popular job for stay-at-home parents. While some parents mystery shop regularly throughout the year with younger kids, more mystery shoppers mystery shop with kids during the summer months when the older kids are out of school. If you have completed mystery shopping assignments in the past with kids, you know just how stressful this can be. So how can you take the stress out of mystery…

The Real Benefit of Participating in Mystery Shopping Forums

When it comes to reaching out and communicating with other mystery shoppers in your local community, across your state or even farther beyond, your opportunities for doing so are fairly limited. Some organizations and companies host annual or semi-annual events that bring mystery shoppers together. These may be courses, business fairs or something else similar. However, these typically are not located close to a mystery shopper’s home, and many people…