Completing a mystery shopping report is usually an easy task. If you are like most mystery shoppers, you have reviewed the questions before your site visit and can breeze right through the reporting questions. Yet even when you review the questions beforehand, and oftentimes when you don’t, you will run into questions on the report that you need to ask your scheduler about. Since most mystery shoppers look at the…
Should You Include ALL Of The Details About Your Site Visit On Your Report?
Completing the report for your site visit is one of the most important aspects of mystery shopping. The report that you complete tells the provider as well as the company ordering the mystery shopper’s site visit about the specific details of your experience. Oftentimes, mystery shoppers question exactly how much detail to include in answering the report questions. After all, you don’t want to spend all day writing your report…
Should You Lie In Your Mystery Shopping Report?
The obvious to this question is no, and that there is no room for lying in a mystery shopping report. However, in practice, many mystery shoppers run into gray areas that may blur the lines on this. The fact is, there may be times when you are tempted to omit facts or tint the facts a bit because of various circumstances. Be The Reporter. While you are completing your mystery…
Tips For Deciphering Confusing Report Questions
The key to making a lot of money as a mystery shopper is speed. The faster you can complete assignments, the more money you can make. But mystery shoppers often get slowed down by confusing or misleading report questions. You may need to pause and consider what the question is actually asking rather than fly right through the report. Add to that the fact that answering a question incorrectly can…
How To Complete An Accurate and Fast Report
With mystery shopping, as with many parts of life, the adage “time is money” holds true. The more assignments you can fit into your busy schedule, the money you can make. Yet when you complete a hasty report, it can have negative consequences – often opening up time-consuming questions from your scheduler. Or worse yet, you could have holes in your report that lead the scheduler to not pay you…
Hot Tips To Write A Better Report (And Get Paid Faster)
Mystery shoppers often focus largely on the site visit of an assignment, putting all of their energy and efforts into what happens on-site. Yet the mystery shopping provider and the retailer who ordered the site visit in the first place only see one thing – your report. Your report conveys all of the information you gathered on your site visit to the provider and retailer. If there is a problem…
How To Get Your Mystery Shopping Report Approved The First Time (And Get Paid Faster!)
Each day that you are caught in a vicious Q&A session with your scheduler about your report is another day you aren’t getting paid for your time and efforts on a mystery shopping assignment. For mystery shoppers who want to get paid faster (and who doesn’t?), the trick lies in getting your report accurate and complete on the first go-round. Here are some tips to follow to ensure your report…
Easy Ways to Improve Your Report Writing Skills
Whether you’re looking for an easy way to improve your mystery shopper rating with your providers or simply want to avoid the headache of a series of back and forth questions and answers with your provider after you submit your report, you likely want to take some time to improve your report writing skills. What Does That Say? There’s no doubt that spell check can catch a lot of typos….
3 Ways You Can Improve Your Report-Writing
Writing your mystery shopping reports is perhaps one of the most critical aspects of your job as a mystery shopper. You may have the keenest and most unbiased eye when you are on-site, but if you don’t have the ability to translate your observations into a well-written report, your skills are going to waste. There are a few things you can do to improve your report-writing skills. Only The Facts!…
What to do when a scheduler asks you to change your report.
If you have completed even a handful of mystery shopping assignments, you’ve likely had a scheduler ask you to correct or revise your report in some fashion. Oftentimes, the scheduler’s requests are to clarify what you have written in your report if it is confusing or appears to be contradictory. Or the scheduler may have a pretty good idea for what the company is looking for in terms of specific…